Instructions to connect wallet with Dapp testnet

Step 1: Log in to Metamask with Chrome browser. If you do not own a wallet, please refer to the following link:

Step 2: Access the Ancient Kingdom's Dapp by following the link:

Step 3: The system will connect to your Metamask wallet automatically and provide a connection confirmation box. Click next to agree.

Step 4: Keep pressing connect to complete the wallet-to-Dapp connection.

Step 5: Once the wallet is connected to the testnet Dapp, the metamask will display a request for network transfer authorization. The system will check first that the Dapp Ancient Kingdom testnet has been added to Metamask. To agree to the network's addition, click "Approve."

Step 6: To finish connecting Metamask to the Ancient Kingdom testnet Dapp, click the transfer.

Following the wallet's connection to the Dapp, the wallet's address is displayed in the upper right corner of the homepage interface.

Last updated